Get the ongoing support you need to grow a predictable and profitable online business faster than you ever thought possible.




"I now do everything with purpose.  I knew the investment was worth it within the first week—I stopped doing the busy work, and I started doing the work that would drive income."

 - JENNIFER ROSKAMP, The Intentional Mom -


There's a very good chance you're missing massive opportunities in your online business every single day.

You're so busy trying to do All. The. Things. that you rarely stop to ask whether any of it's working. Or maybe you haven't even started your blog or online business yet, even after thinking about it for so long, and you're missing the biggest opportunity of all.

But if you really want the cold hard truth, it's this:

Most bloggers and influencers are doing it all wrong.

They spend hours and hours creating more content, optimizing for search and pinning like crazy, all for the sake of more page views. They exhaust themselves trying to keep up with social media, posting story after story because that's the way they think it's supposed to be, wondering when all that "engagement" is going to turn into cold, hard cash. They think blog income is supposed to come from ad networks and affiliate links, because that's all anyone ever really talks about. And they set themselves up for long-term failure by focusing only on short-term gains.

Maybe you can relate.

The reality is that having a clear, proven path to follow in your business--along with an experienced guide to lead you-- is a game changer, one that will not only give you the clarity and confidence to know you're moving in the right direction, but lead you to more profit and predictability in less time than you ever thought possible.

The problem? Overwhelm, widespread misinformation, and a lack of support often make growing a successful and sustainable online business far harder than it needs to be.

But what if there was a way to make sure you got it right?


And I really want to be your Fairy Blog Mama.

Since launching my first blog, Living Well Spending Less, in 2010, my business has grown into a multi-million dollar company. I’ve become the New York Times bestselling author of 7 books, launched a top-rated podcast, and even given a TED talk.  

But it didn’t start out that way!  

At first, I struggled hard to figure it all out. There were SO many times I felt like quitting, and I can’t even tell you how often I secretly wished for some magical fairy blog-mama to share all her secrets of success. Sadly, she never appeared, but I swore to myself that if I ever did figure out the secret to blogging, I’d be that fairy blog-mama to someone else!  

And that’s exactly what ACTIVATE is all about. 

No, it’s not a magic wand, but it IS probably the next best thing: a clearly laid out, step-by-step guide that will show you, in crystal clear detail, exactly what to do, in what order, to get where you want to be.


Imagine owning an online business that is not only insanely profitable, but completely predictable.

Here's what that would look like....

  • You'd have a clear path to follow for your business, as well as a perfect understanding of exactly where you are on that path and what needs to happen next. No more guessing or trying to do everything all at once, or not knowing where to begin.
  • You'd only spend time working on tasks that deliver a measurable ROI. No more time wasted on all those activities everyone tells you that you're "supposed" to be doing that may or may not turn into actual dollars in your pocket.
  • You'd have a captive audience of customers ready & waiting (and EXCITED) to buy from you. No more struggling to grow your email list or get people's attention.
  • You'd have a high-converting lead magnet and tripwire that consistently more than offset the cost of your ad spend and allowed you to build your list for free. No more crossing your fingers (or giving away too much value for free.)
  • You'd have the confidence to spend money on paid advertising because you'd be able to consistently predict the results and see a strong return on your investment. No more panicking that your ads aren't working!
  • You'd have a strong core offer that drives everything else in your business, along with a solid plan for selling your offer on an ongoing basis. No more relying on algorithms or factors outside of your control.
  • You'd no longer care about being an "influencer," because you'd realize that it's more important to be profitable than to be popular. No more needing to be tied to social media or worrying about engagement.

Sound like a fantasy? It's not. In fact, it's a reality that is so much closer and so much easier than you think.

"Ruth is so good at digging down to the heart of what is going on in your business, what you can do better, and how things can grow. There's so much value in her unfiltered take! How often do you get a chance to meet someone that is at the top of their game that is willing to invest their time in you?"

 - TAMARA HARRIS, Better Buyer Savvy Seller -


The only coaching program for bloggers and content marketers designed to help you build and scale a predictable, profitable business, (not just a popular blog.)

ACTIVATE is an all-in-one coaching program that provides a proven path for building your online business, as well as in-depth training and incredible, groundbreaking tools for setting & achieving better business goals. 

In addition to multiple weekly coaching sessions targeted to both beginner and advanced level bloggers and online business owners, members also have access to our entire library of signature training programs, including Elite Blog Academy®, Product Launch Playbook Academy™, FB ADvantage™, What the Tech?!™ and more.

Essentially, ACTIVATE is a one-stop shop for building, growing, and scaling a successful online business, regardless of where you are starting, and regardless of how far you want to go. 

If you are a blogger or online business owner, or if you are finally ready to get started in 2021, this is a program you will not want to miss.

"Working with Ruth will help you break through barriers that may have been keeping you stuck so that you can really experience a new level of growth in your business. I immediately started implementing what Ruth had suggested for me to do and within 30 days I had more than doubled my email subscribers. My traffic which had barely reached 1000 page views a month prior to coaching, 6 weeks later I was just shy of 5000 page views a month."

 - BETH HOFF, Favorite Familes -


A combination of tactics, strategy, and implementation tools that lead to mastery.

The main purpose of ACTIVATE is to support, guide, and push you as you continually grow and scale your online business by providing the tools to help you set the right goals, then actually follow through on achieving those goals during your quarterly sprints.

Everything we do in this program is centered around the Customer Superhero Path™, which is the content-marketing based business model we teach and follow in all of our programs.  Our goal is to help you learn how to continually assess where you are at on that path in order to keep improving your results. 

Ultimately we believe that it’s a combination of tactics, strategy, and implementation in three key areas of your business--sales & marketing, strategic planning, and behind-the-scenes business skills--that leads to mastery, and that’s what you’ll find here.

"I can tell Ruth cares about my business and wants to make sure I have all of the tools I need, and all my questions answered. It's so awesome to get her eyes on my business! She is one of the experts in the online entrepreneurial world and if you have the opportunity to work with her, you would be foolish not to!"

 - SARA MARYE , Stellar Teacher Co.-


Discover the power that an effective mentor can have in your business.

While the ACTIVATE business coaching program is brand new, here at Elite Blog Academy we've been coaching and mentoring our students for more than 7 years, in a variety of different ways, including masterminds, workshops and live instruction. We've consistently found that the students who work with Ruth in the more hands-on way that we'll be providing through ACTIVATE are the ones who see the fastest and most dramatic results in their business.


Get all the tools you need to create, grow, and scale your successful, predictable, and highly profitable online business.

When you join the ACTIVATE coaching program, you'll have instant access to all the tools you need to create, grow, and scale your successful, profitable online business. Our innovative Customer Superhero Path™ provides a step-by-step plan to follow, while our groundbreaking Quarterly Execution Playbook is the practical tool that will help you implement your plans on a weekly basis. But that's not all! As an ACTIVATE member, you'll also have access to our entire EBA library of educational programs, as well as ongoing live coaching and advanced training sessions.


Often the hardest part of building an online business is feeling like you are all alone, without a guide to show you the way, but at ACTIVATE you never have to feel that way! Throughout the month, you'll have access to a variety of focused coaching sessions, each geared to a particular skill level, intended to provide hands-on guidance and feedback for the tactics you happen to be focused on.

This will include sessions such as:

  • Tech Jam | Level 1 - help with tech issues & setup
  • SEO Jam | Level 1 - help with search optimization & organic traffic
  • Pin Jam | Level 2/3 - help with organic pinning + Pinterest ads
  • FB Jam | Level 2/3 - help with Facebook ads
  • Copy Jam | Level 2/3 - help with sales copy
  • Goal Jam | All Levels - help with setting effective quarterly goals
  • Power Planning | All Levels - end of week celebration + planning for next week
  • Get Ruthed Hot Seats | Level 2/3 - intense problem solving

Each month will also include one longer Advanced Training Session, intended to help build your high-level business skills. These advanced trainings will be focused in one of three different areas--Sales & Marketing, Strategic Planning, and Business Skills--and will generally include an implementation guide to help you apply the skills you are learning to your own business. (Recommended for level 2 and up)

Here is the tentative Advanced Training Schedule for 2021:

  • JANUARY | How to Plan an Effective Quarterly Sprint
  • FEBRUARY | Setting up a Business Dashboard to Measure Your Results
  • MARCH | One Day Intensive Workshop
  • APRIL | Fast & Easy Flash Sales for an Instant Revenue Boost
  • MAY | Creating Systems for Your Business to Streamline Everything You Do
  • JUNE | One Day Intensive Workshop
  • JULY | Crafting a Better Pinterest Strategy
  • AUGUST | Designing a Killer Home Base Website for Your Business
  • SEPTEMBER | One Day Intensive Workshop
  • OCTOBER | Planning Effective Promotions for the Holidays
  • NOVEMBER | Building Out Your Product Ladder
  • DECEMBER | One Day Intensive Workshop


It’s not enough to understand our path for success in theory—you must also understand how to apply it to your own business in order to make it work for you. After all, the only benefit to participating in a program like this is actually using what you learn to create the business you want.

Our Quarterly Execution Playbook is designed to do just that—it helps you first get crystal clear on the goals that will make the biggest impact for your business in the next quarter, then gives you a proven process actually following through and executing those plans on a weekly basis, as well as a place to intentionally self-reflect as you go into the next quarter.

You'll soon find that your Quarterly Sprints, guided by the work that you do in this playbook, are the biggest game changer for your business .


Sometimes you just need to have a place to get your questions answered! Even so, we recognize that it can be incredibly frustrating when all the questions being asked are over your head when you're just starting out, just as it can be annoying to have to sift through questions that are far too basic when you're further along in your business.

That's why at ACTIVATE we'll always offer two different office hour slots each week--one for Level 1 Beginners, and one for the more advanced bloggers & online business owners who are already to Levels 2 & 3.


Within ACTIVATE you will also have the opportunity to ask questions, make connections, and get moral support in our private members Facebook Group. While getting answers to your questions is important, we also know how important it can be to get to know others in your field and in the blogging community. 

This is the place where what you are learning through our training and tools will come alive on a daily basis, as you have the opportunity to network with, get feedback from, and learn with others in your field.


At ACTIVATE our goal isn't just to provide the best resources and education to help you grow your business, it's to provide the ongoing support, encouragement, and accountability that will keep you going and growing, even when road to success feels long. We also know that training our members to pay it forward and support each other as we grow will only lead to more success for all. Like ships in a harbor, we all rise together!

That's why over the next few months, we'll be rolling out the option to join private accountability groups within the ACTIVATE program, starting with our 6-Figure Club, a private mastermind with Ruth available only to members earning $8500/month or more.

Other accountability groups will be led by members of the 6-Figure Club, who will receive instruction and guidance for leading their groups directly from Ruth.


There's nothing more powerful for your business growth than regularly stepping back to take a look at the big picture, to assess where you've been and get clear about where you need to go. At ACTIVATE, this is a process we believe should happen every 13 weeks, which is why every quarter we will host a virtual One Day Intensive Workshop for our members.

Each intensive will be centered around a particular theme, and will be a unique opportunity to learn, plan, celebrate, and connect with your fellow members.

Here is the tentative One-Day Intensive Schedule for 2021:

  • MARCH | Conversions - a day focused on generating more leads & more sales
  • JUNE | Messaging - a day focused on improving the way you connect with your customers
  • SEPTEMBER | Leadership - a day focused on improving the way you lead your company
  • DECEMBER | Vision - a day focused on crafting your big picture plan for your business


Your ACTIVATE membership includes full access to our two signature programs, which combine to help you build out your entire Customer Superhero Path™.

This includes Elite Blog Academy®, which is focused on helping Level One members build a strong foundation for your online business by focusing on the Attraction & Initiation phases of your business, as well as Product Launch Playbook Academy™, which helps Level Two members develop a strong core offer and build out the Investment, Transformation, and Ascension phases of your business.


We want to make sure that our ACTIVATE members have everything you need to make your online business succeed, which is why, in addition to our two Signature Programs, ACTIVATE members will also get access to our full library of bonus programs and resources, including our Home Business Starter Kit, our FB Advantage Facebook Ad Training Program, our What the Tech?! Digital Tutorial Library, and our Super Sales Page Starter Kit.

We don't believe that more is always better, which is why all of these bonus resources have been thoughtfully chosen & created to supplement our main programs and deliver targeted assistance for specific sticking points. Our goal is to make sure you are less overwhelmed and more focused, and we promise you won't find a more complete, useful, or cohesive set of resources anywhere.

"Ruth is such a strong business woman. She’s got it figured out and all she wants to do is pour her heart out and help other people."

 - EHRICA DORSEY, Milestone Mom -


Don't miss your opportunity to lock in your founding member rate.


$297a month

our most flexible option


  • Live Coaching (multiple sessions for various levels each week)  
  • Weekly Office Hours (both beginner and advanced)  
  • Activation Guide + Quick Start Checklist for getting started in the program.  
  • Access to the ACTIVATE Private Facebook Group
  • Private Accountability Groups, including a Six Figure Club for high earners.
  • Access to Elite Blog Academy (a $1097 value)
  • Access to Product Launch Playbook Academy (a $1997 value)
  • Access to the EBA® Home Business Starter Kit (a $297 value)
  • Access to What the Tech?! Digital Tutorial Library (a $297 value)
  • Access to FB ADvantage™ Facebook Ad Training Program (a $297 value)
  • Access to our Super Sales Page Starter Kit (a $197 value)
  • A digital, printable version of the Quarterly Execution Playbook™ for planning and executing your Quarterly Sprint.  


$797a quarter

our recommended option


  • Live Coaching (multiple sessions for various levels each week)  
  • Weekly Office Hours (both beginner and advanced)  
  • Activation Guide + Quick Start Checklist for getting started in the program.  
  • Access to the ACTIVATE Private Facebook Group
  • Private Accountability Groups, including a Six Figure Club for high earners.
  • Access to Elite Blog Academy (a $1097 value)
  • Access to Product Launch Playbook Academy (a $1997 value)
  • Access to the EBA® Home Business Starter Kit (a $297 value)
  • Access to What the Tech?! Digital Tutorial Library (a $297 value)
  • Access to FB ADvantage™ Facebook Ad Training Program (a $297 value)
  • Access to our Super Sales Page Starter Kit (a $197 value)
  • A printed hard copy of the Quarterly Execution Playbook™ for planning and executing your Quarterly Sprint, delivered at the start of each quarter.  


$2997a year

our best value option


  • Live Coaching (multiple sessions for various levels each week)  
  • Weekly Office Hours (both beginner and advanced)  
  • Activation Guide + Quick Start Checklist for getting started in the program.  
  • Access to the ACTIVATE Private Facebook Group
  • Private Accountability Groups, including a Six Figure Club for high earners.
  • Two free months each year.
  • Access to Elite Blog Academy (a $1097 value)
  • Access to Product Launch Playbook Academy (a $1997 value)
  • Access to the EBA® Home Business Starter Kit (a $297 value)
  • Access to What the Tech?! Digital Tutorial Library (a $297 value)
  • Access to FB ADvantage™ Facebook Ad Training Program (a $297 value)
  • Access to our Super Sales Page Starter Kit (a $197 value)
  • A printed hard copy of the Quarterly Execution Playbook™ for planning and executing your Quarterly Sprint, delivered at the start of each quarter.  



"I already knew enough from EBA to be a successful BLOGGER, but I didn’t know how to create a successful BUSINESS. And from the very first moment, just with setting our goals and figuring out what we were trying to achieve….BOOM, that was it! I just knew, going forward, what to do, and it very quickly brought me from $25,000 a month to $100,000 a month in income."

 - ROSEMARIE GRONER, The Busy Budgeter -

"Being able to ask someone with experience about something you want to learn about is hard to place a value on. Finding someone with that much experience who is willing to mentor you in very hard to find."

 - LENA GOTT, What Mommy Does -


Is ACTIVATE going to be right for me?


No.  The ACTIVATE coaching program is designed to meet you where you are, even if you haven’t started your business yet.  In fact, the first thing you’ll do after joining is take our assessment and complete our Activation Guide, which will let you know exactly what level you’ll be starting at.

If you’re a beginner, you’ll start at Level 1, which will focus on building your foundation with confidence.  This will include going through the Home Business Starter Kit, then completing Units 1-5 of Elite Blog Academy.  In Level 1, you’ll also have access to beginner-focused office hours, as well as to Tech Jam™ sessions to get you past any early technical hurdles and SEO Jam™ sessions to help with organic growth strategies.

If you’ve already established your blog but don’t yet have a strong core offer, you’ll start at Level 2, which will focus primarily on list growth and monetization.  This will include going through Product Launch Playbook Academy, as well as attending our Level 2 office hours, and additional sessions such as Copy Jam™ and FB Jam™ to improve your sales copy and conversions.

Level 3 members will benefit from advanced training sessions focused in three main subject areas--Sales & Marketing, Strategic Planning, and Business Skills.  You’ll learn how to continually scale your business in a predictable and profitable way, one that allows you to work smarter, not harder.  Six-figure earners will also be able to apply to join our 6 Figure Club, where you’ll get access to a private mastermind with Ruth.


When you enroll in the ACTIVATE coaching program, you may choose from one of three different introductory membership options.

Our monthly membership is $297 a month.  This is the most flexible option, as it allows you to cancel your membership at any time.  Monthly memberships include access to digital resources only, including a printable version of the Quarterly Execution Playbook™.

Our quarterly membership is $797 per quarter (3 months).  This is our recommended option, as it allows you to complete an entire 13 week Quarterly Sprint, which is where we see the most tangible results.  Quarterly members will receive a hard copy of our Quarterly Execution Playbook™ every 13 weeks, so long as you continue your membership.

Our annual membership is $2997 per year (12 months).  This is our best value option, as it is the equivalent of receiving 2 free months, and will also provide the most dramatic results over the course of a year.  Annual members will receive a hard copy of our Quarterly Execution Playbook every 13 weeks.

As long as your membership remains in good standing, you'll be able to lock in these introductory rates for the duration of your time at ACTIVATE, even when our rates increase during our next enrollment period.


You can cancel your membership at any time simply by shooting us an email, and you will retain access until your current payment period is complete. 

There is no payment penalty for canceling, but once you cancel your membership you will not be able to re-join the ACTIVATE coaching program for one full year.  This policy is in place to prevent the disruption that occurs when people stop and start, and to encourage our members to stay committed to achieving real results, which often take time.


Your membership to the ACTIVATE coaching program gets you access to all of our live coaching sessions and recordings (though we recommend only attending the sessions for your level), as well as access to all our signature EBA programs, including Elite Blog Academy®, Product Launch Playbook Academy™, What the Tech?!™, FB ADvantage™ and more.  As an ACTIVATE member, you’ll also have access to our private Facebook community, where you can ask questions, get feedback, and connect with other members.

Additionally, members will have the opportunity to join private accountability groups, including our private 6-Figure Club mastermind for high earners.


While we encourage you to attend the coaching sessions live when your schedule allows, live attendance is not a requirement for success in our program. Each live coaching session will be recorded, and the recordings will be posted in the course portal by 5pm the following business day.


Success in this program requires that you take consistent, focused action, that you actually show up, and that you take the time to apply what you are learning and keep moving forward. 

The bottom line is that you can’t expect ACTIVATE, Elite Blog Academy, or Product Launch Playbook Academy to magically work for you. You need to do the work.  Show up for live coaching sessions. Complete your assignments. Ask questions. Apply what you are learning to your business.  Use our planning tools consistently.

That being said, our team is completely dedicated to your success—and that means doing whatever we can to support you along the way. If you still don’t find what you’re looking for, shoot us an email—we’re happy to help you find the answers.


It really depends on what you are working on.  The ACTIVATE coaching program is primarily designed to help you identify, set, and then implement your biggest, most important goals for your business at any given time.  You’ll be able to pick and choose the sessions you want to attend that will help you reach your goals.


Not at all!  You’ll likely want to stick to our Level 2 & Level 3 training and coaching sessions, of which there will be many!  Ruth loves working with high level bloggers, and you won’t find a better, more strategic, more straightforward, or more encouraging coach. 

Plus, if you’re already at the six-figure mark ($8500+ a month or more), you can apply to join the 6-Figure Club, which will give you access to a private mastermind with Ruth.


Enrollment for the ACTIVATE coaching program opens on Monday, December 14th and will close Friday, December 18th at Midnight.

You will receive your enrollment confirmation within 30 minutes, along with your access to the membership portal, which is where your program resources will be hosted.

You’ll have instant access to your Activation Guide and Quick Start Checklist, as well as to all of our signature programs, including Elite Blog Academy and Product Launch Playbook Academy.  However, our live coaching sessions will not begin until Monday, January 4th.

The live coaching schedule for January will be available in the membership portal, and our subsequent schedules will be available in the membership portal by the 20th of the preceding month.


The short answer? If you’re trying to start, grow, or scale an online business, then YES.

The longer answer is this: ACTIVATE business coaching for bloggers and online business owners is for anyone who wants to make money online through blogging or content marketing, whether you are just getting started or already have an established blog or online business.

It is the only business coaching program created specifically for bloggers and content marketers, designed to take the mystery out of growing a profitable and predictable online business, and to take you from complete beginner to 6 or 7 figures and beyond.

It’s for anyone who wants to have an online business, but is not interested in being an “influencer.”  It’s for any blogger who has been scared to sell, or frustrated that their sales efforts don’t seem to be working, or for any online business owner who needs help increasing their conversions.

And so, whether you’re an ambitious beginner looking to get started as quickly as possible, an intermediate level blogger looking to break through a plateau and start making real money, or a pro blogger already earning an income online, the ACTIVATE coaching program will provide the ongoing support, instruction, and encouragement you need to grow and scale a profitable and predictable online business. 



That said, building an online business takes time.  This is not a get-rich-quick scheme, nor will it lead to overnight success.  If you are just starting out, you can expect to be in our program for at least 6-9 months before you start earning any income.

That said, once you are to the point where you are making some money, the ACTIVATE coaching program will allow you to scale your income quickly--often within just a few months of your first sales.

We have found that the trajectory for our students almost always looks like this:

A long flat line, followed by a rapid escalation. What   ACTIVATE does is help you dramatically shorten the length of that long, flat period so that you can begin escalating faster. Of course you will still need to plan on taking some time to build your foundation--just not as long as it would take you on your own.

That said, if you have already built a foundation but have struggled with monetization or conversions in the past, this is the program that will finally help you break down that mental block and get you earning real money from your online platform, even if you have a very small audience.


You are free to cancel your membership at any time, and you will retain access to all program materials until your current payment period is complete. 

While there is no financial penalty for cancelling, we do not provide refunds nor do we prorate any uncompleted time in the program.  Once you cancel your membership, you will not be able to rejoin the program for one full calendar year.

If you are not sure this program will be right for you, we recommend that you enroll in our monthly membership option, which will allow you to cancel after just one month.  If you decide to stay, you can upgrade your membership to our quarterly or annual membership during our next open enrollment period in March.


We chose the name ACTIVATE for this coaching program for the same reason we chose it for our conference--we want this program to be focused on implementation and on actually taking the action that will lead to dramatic results in your business.  

While we would love to bring back a live event someday, it likely won’t be in 2021 due to the current pandemic. 


You’ll have access to a private Facebook group for the duration of your time in the ACTIVATE coaching program. We strongly recommend taking the time to connect with your fellow members, and consider forming your own study or feedback groups, or even local groups if you can.

Within a few months we also plan to introduce accountability groups, each of which will be assigned a leader from our 6-Figure Club.


Live coaching sessions will be hosted on Zoom.  Recordings and all other program materials will be delivered digitally through a password-protected members-only site. As soon as you enroll, you’ll be emailed your login information with a username and password.

