Our Biggest News EVER (Seriously!)
There are only a few weeks left of this crazy, crazy year. And maybe it’s just the insanity of this past year that has us ready for a reset, but we wanted to let you know about some pretty BIG changes we’re making at Elite Blog Academy for 2021.
In fact, it might just be our biggest news EVER.
Next week we’re opening enrollment to ACTIVATE—a brand new, super-hands on coaching program for bloggers and online business owners that will begin the first week of January.
ACTIVATE members will not only get ongoing support, instruction, and encouragement within the program, they’ll have access to a proven path for building their online business, as well as in-depth training and incredible, groundbreaking tools for setting & achieving better business goals.

Are you ready for one sentence to change your business?
Using the right hook can do just that!
The truth is, an Instagram reel won’t change your business, at least not all on its own. But if you’re using the power of Instagram to drive leads into your business, using the right hook is vital for your success. Grab the exact hooks that have gone viral for my @ruthsoukup Instagram account again and again (and got me over 30 MILLION views and tens of thousands of new followers).
And the best part? It’s completely free! Just fill in your information below so I know where to send it.
In addition to multiple weekly coaching sessions that will be targeted to both beginner and advanced level bloggers and online business owners, members will also have access to ALL of our signature training programs, including Elite Blog Academy, Product Launch Playbook Academy, FB ADvantage, What the Tech?! and more.
Essentially, ACTIVATE will be a one-stop shop for building, growing, and scaling a successful online business, regardless of where you are starting, and regardless of how far you want to go. It’s also a program that will be able to offer far more support and hands-on instruction than anything we’ve ever offered before, no matter what level you’re at in your business.
That’s pretty huge, right?
So what prompted this change?
To be totally honest, this is a shift that has been years in the making. You see, we’ve known for a long time that our students craved more hands-on support, more accountability, and more direction when it comes to ongoing implementation of the strategies and tactics that we teach.
And yet, we knew making this sort of massive shift in our business would require us to change pretty much everything—to completely restructure, as well as to simplify and streamline our processes in order to free up enough time and resources to make it work.
We knew that in order to do this one thing WELL, we would have to give up pretty much everything else. As I’m sure you can imagine, that’s not a decision we could make lightly.
But one of the hidden blessings of 2020 is that it gave us the opportunity to try some things we’ve never tried before, as well as to get much more clarity on what matters most. This year I’ve done more live teaching than ever before, and I’ve realized not only how much I love it, but how impactful it can be.
Through all this live teaching, I’ve also realized just how much disinformation is out there about what it actually takes to build and scale a successful online business.
And while it does feel pretty scary to turn our entire business upside down in order to launch this new program, I also believe in my heart of hearts that the potential benefits for our students are worth taking this risk.
What does this mean for the rest of our business and for our other brands and courses?
Behind the scenes, it means a lot of things. For our other brands, like Living Well Spending Less, Do It Scared, and the Living Well Planner, it means taking a step back, sunsetting a few products, or putting things on “autopilot” as much as possible. It doesn’t mean they will all go away completely, but it has meant setting up those brands to be as self-sufficient as possible so that they don’t take up essential time and bandwidth from our team.
If you’re here primarily for Elite Blog Academy content, then you’ll find these changes probably won’t have a huge impact on you. In fact, you’ll probably be excited to see us step up our EBA game over the coming months and provide even more helpful resources and training for bloggers and online business owners.
What does this mean for you?
If you have a blog or an online business, or if you’ve been thinking about starting one, OR if you have been waiting for an opportunity to enroll in Elite Blog Academy, then this is REALLY, REALLY good news! As in the best Christmas present EVER!
Next week Monday, for 5 days only, we’ll open up enrollment for our ACTIVATE Coaching Program.
Live coaching will officially begin on January 4th (the first Monday of 2021), but you’ll have immediate access to our Activation Guide, which will walk you through how the program works and how to know where YOU need to begin. You’ll also have immediate access to all of our signature programs, including Elite Blog Academy, PLP Academy, FB ADvantage, and more.
This is not only your chance to get into EBA, it’s your chance to get access to the ongoing live support, training, encouragement, and accountability that will help you make real progress a whole lot faster than you could ever do on your own.
In a word? It’s going to be AWESOME.
In the meantime, if you want to find out more about ACTIVATE, how it works, what’s included, how much it costs, and all the other essential details, you can check out our info page HERE.
Then, if you’re sure you want in, you should let us know now so that we can save you a spot—simply send us a quick email at eba@ruthsoukup.com with a message that says “I’m in—save my spot!”
Your link to more info isn’t working. Do you have an FAQ page including pricing, how long the program lasts, etc?
Tell me more about Activate. Mainly, cost. Also, what if I’ve wanted to blog and haven’t started yet…and don’t have anything to sell at the moment…is this for me?