When You’re Afraid to Ask For Help…
I don’t know about you, but I have a really hard time asking for help.
Of course now that I know that my Fear Archetype™ is the Outcast, it makes a lot more sense. You see, the thing that the Outcast fears most is rejection. And so, the way that often plays out is that rather than risk being rejected, the Outcast will preemptively reject others first.
And how that has played out in my life—and my business—is that I always think I need to do everything on my own.

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But the truth is that has always terrified me to ask for help.
Because what if that person would say no?
The rejection would crush me.
And so it was way safer to just not ask.
Ironic, isn’t it, that it took writing a book called Do It Scared™ to make me realize just how afraid of rejection I really am, and how big of a role this particular fear has played out in my life. And not only that, it took writing this book for me to realize just how much this particular fear has been holding me back in my life and in my business.
But that is the cool thing about identifying your fear—because once you’ve identified how fear is playing out in your life, you can actually start to do something about it.
Which brings me to this big Do It Scared moment:
I am asking you to help me.
Specifically, I am asking you, as a member of this EBA community, to help me spread the message of Do It Scared—to help get this book into as many hands as possible, and in doing so, to impact as many lives as possible.
Because whether we call it fear or anxiety or apprehension or self-doubt or just a feeling of being lost or stuck or all alone, the truth is that fear plays a huge role in most of our lives. It talks us out of going after our big goals and dreams. It tells us we’re not good enough. It tells us that we might fail, and therefore we shouldn’t even try.
But here’s the thing—we can do something about it!
We can change the way we look at fear in our own lives, and, with your help, we might even be able to change the way the whole world looks at fear too!
So will you help me?
It’s still a terrifying question to ask.
But I hope the answer is yes.
And if it is, then please join the Do It Scared book launch team.
As a launch team member, you’ll get early access to the book manuscript (which means you get to read it right away instead of having to wait until May 21st) and you’ll get access to a private book club with me—a book club that will start next week. We’ll discuss some of the most important concepts in the book, and you’ll also be able to get all your biggest questions answered.
To get your invite to join the book launch team, you must first pre-order the book and claim your book bonuses.
Here is exactly what to do, step by step:
1. Preorder the book at Amazon (where it is currently cheapest) or anywhere else books are sold. Be sure to take note of your order number!
2. Fill in the bonus form at doitscared.com/book (you’ll need your order number)
3. On the thank you page, fill in the form to join the launch team.
4. Check your email for your book bonuses & instructions.
Thank you in advance for your support for this book, and for your willingness to help spread the message of Do It Scared! I can’t wait to see you in the launch team!
P.S. Have you already pre-ordered the book? Just grab your order number and start with Step #2 above!
Just ordered the book (pretty sure the launch is over?) and I’m excited to get it! I can’t wait to read it!