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Brainstorm Brilliant Content

Are you struggling to create Instagram content that captures the attention of your audience and converts them into loyal customers?

If so, let’s explore a proven framework that our founder Ruth Soukup swears by—the GRIT Formula. And it works like magic.

GRIT stands for Get To Know You, Real and Relatable, Interest and Talking Head—four essential pillars designed to help you consistently create compelling content that resonates deeply and drives meaningful engagement on Instagram.

Struggling to create Reels that grab your dream customer?

Our Instagram Reel Playbook will not only give you 50 ready-to-use hooks, proven to grab your audience’s attention from the start, but we’ll show you our proven strategy for reels that convert.

So let’s break down each component of the GRIT Formula and see how these actionable strategies look in practice. 

Get To Know You (G):

Get to know you posts are your gateway to attracting your ideal audience. These posts should clearly communicate who your brand is for and why they should pay attention. Think of them as invitations for your dream customers to raise their hands and say, “Yes, this is for me!”

Action Steps for Get To Know You:

1. Audience Surveys: Start by understanding your audience’s challenges and aspirations. Conduct surveys to gather insights directly from them. Use their language and pain points in your Get-To-Know-You posts to create an immediate connection.

2. Post a Get To Know You Reel: Dedicate at least one reel per week to Get to Know You. Whether it’s a Point-of-View (POV) video or a clear statement of who your brand serves, make sure your dream customer recognizes themselves in your content.

Real and Relatable (R):

Authenticity is key on Instagram. Your audience craves genuine connections and wants to see the human side of your brand. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses, customer testimonials and personal stories that showcase your brand’s values and mission.

Action Steps for Real and Relatable:

1. Viral Trends: This is your chance to try out the newest viral trend on Instagram! Show you’re a real person who doesn’t take themselves too seriously. Just make sure it doesn’t go against who you are as a brand. 

2. User-Generated Content: Encourage your customers to share their experiences with your products or services. Repost their content (with permission) to build social proof and authenticity.

3. Weekly Real and Relatable Reel: Share at least one reel per week that humanizes your brand and strengthens your connection with your audience.

Interest (I):

Interest posts are all about providing value that is relevant, useful and shareable. These posts should showcase how your products or services can solve your audience’s problems and improve their lives.

Action Steps for Interest:

1. Identify Needs and Pain Points: List down the common challenges your audience faces. This forms the foundation for your Interest content.

2. Post Interest Reels: Plan and post 2-3 reels per week that highlight solutions, new content (like podcast episodes or blog posts), or tips that your audience can apply immediately.

Talking Head (T):

Establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche through video content. This is your opportunity to provide your expert opinion or a hot take on something in your industry that will add value to your audience’s lives and build your credibility.

Action Steps for Talking Head:

1. Identify Relevant Topics: Brainstorm topics that your audience is eager to hear your perspective on. Present these in a raw, unscripted format that feels personal and engaging.

2. Post a Talking Head Reel: Post at least one Talking Head reel per week where you share your insights and expertise on relevant industry topics.

By implementing these strategies consistently within the GRIT Formula, you’ll not only be able to post consistently on Instagram (which is KEY for growth) but also make genuine connections with your audience that will turn your followers into loyal customers. And who doesn’t want that?

Remember, success on Instagram is built on consistency, authenticity and delivering value. Start applying these strategies today to transform your Instagram into a powerful platform for your business.

Ready to take your Instagram strategy to the next level? Subscribe to our EmpowHER Business newsletter for more tips and strategies you can implement immediately.

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  1. I do some of my best thinking while I’m in the most random of places…the shower, the long line at the grocery store, in the middle of a conversation with a friend on the phone. And since my phone is always within arm’s reach, I have a list in my reminders called “Blog Ideas.” Whenever I think of something that I might write about, I jot it down on the list so that when I’m stumped, I already have a bunch of topics that have popped in my head and I can just pick one and start!

  2. I ave found that when I am stuck I start writing by writing that I am stuck that then turns into a post.

  3. I loved your article. The ideas are truly helpful.

    My favorite go-to is brain dumping. As a writer and now a blogger, this has he’ll poured me the most by far. It allows me to get all my thoughts and ideas out, organize them accordingly, and work them out as needed whether it’s a story idea, a new blog post,, or another to-do on my ever-growing list.

    Thank you for presenting others helpful ideas. I’m definitely going to try some of the others as well to help with my productivity and pistol Lee blog ideas for later.

  4. Just starting off with my blogging journey has be gripped with a lot of other challenges too. So I combine the 1st, 5th and 6th points: I get what’s inside my head, out + it has to be some current event/issue particularly that I’M facing + try taking care of myself by writing the best guide/how to/etc to address my problem= I have a topic to write which I’m deeply connected to + I’m helping myself resolve it by digging into the possible solutions + I’ve written it and now people will judge me against that so I’ll have to implement it really. A triple win!

  5. I love these ideas! Specifically, reading magazines and brain dumps!

    At one point I was incredibly overwhelmed about what to write and the right way to write. I didn’t blog for weeks at a time. Then it dawned on me, this is my blog and I can write about anything I want to write about!

    I found freedom and began writing about what was happening in our lives!

    Sometimes you just have to break the chains and all the rules and be who you are!

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