Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Following the Rules
The Do It Scared™ Podcast with Ruth Soukup provides weekly motivation, inspiration, and practical instruction for anyone tired of settling for “good enough.” Each week we tackle topics like goal-setting, overcoming procrastination, finding the time, energy & know-how for accomplishing our dreams, and overcoming the obstacles that stand in our way. Don’t miss an episode; subscribe here.
Whether it’s in blogging or in life, most of us are rule followers, whether we realize it or not.
We talk a certain way, we dress a certain way, we follow instructions and self-edit and self-regulate. We don’t dare rock the boat. We pay attention to what everyone else is doing, and try to keep our own behavior in line.
But here’s the thing: rules are for suckers.

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There are lots of really good rules out there – important rules that we SHOULD follow. But there are also a lot of dumb rules out there, rules that make no sense, and rules that other people made up just to make themselves feel important.
Chances are that some of those rules are holding you back.In Episode 7 of the Do It Scared™ podcast, I reveal three simple ways you can change your perspective on rules and forge your own path. I’m not telling you to ignore traffic lights. But maybe there’s another route that’s not on the map.
If you’d like to listen to the whole episode, you can find it on iTunes HERE or on Google Play HERE. (Or just search for “Do It Scared” wherever you prefer to listen!) You can also visit doitscared.com for more notes from this episode. Never miss a new episode by subscribing on iTunes.
Just because someone says something is true, or it shows up on the internet, or because “everyone” is repeating it as fact, doesn’t ACTUALLY make it true. That’s where good old-fashioned common sense and critical thinking skills are so important. The next time you hear something that “everyone” is talking about—or freaking out over—ask yourself, “Does this actually make sense?” You need to actively avoid being caught up in group think mentality and start engaging your own critical thinking skills to decide whether what you are hearing actually makes enough sense to follow in your own life.
For the most part, we accept the rules that are handed down by the authority figures in our life without question. This is just our NATURAL SURVIVAL INSTINCT. Questioning our boss, or choosing to ignore his rules could get us fired, so we don’t. Choosing to disobey the law could get us arrested so we don’t. But what about when authority is wrong? It is important to understand that as humans, we are wired to do what we are told when those instructions come from someone we view as an authority figure. But questioning authority is essential for making smart decisions.
Just because something has always been done a certain way, doesn’t mean it always needs to be done that way. If you think about it, almost every great invention or technological advancement in our society has happened because someone DARED TO BE DIFFERENT and did something in a completely new way that had never been done before. But it’s hard to be different. None of us want to be seen as strange or weird, or open ourselves up to criticism or ridicule. And yet, why not? Because, when you think about it, what do we really have to lose? Stop worrying about whether or not you fit in and break free.
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These are just some of the highlights from this episode, but there is SO much more to hear! You can listen to the entire episode on iTunes HERE or on Google Play HERE. Visit doitscared.com for show notes from this episode, and never miss a new episode by subscribing on iTunes.