The Downside of Overachieving: 5 Things I Learned from Tasha Agruso

It’s been said that we are the sum of the choices we make…but what if our choices leave us unhappy?

Choosing happiness takes courage and sometimes that means having to make a change by letting go of your fear and taking a big step into the unknown. Click to Tweet

Tasha Agruso, a self-proclaimed overachiever, EBA® alum, and guest for Episode 14 of the Do It Scared® Podcast, is one of the most courageous people I know.

Are you following your passions in life? In this episode of the Do It Scared Podcast, Ruth talks with Tasha Agruso about how she quit her job as a successful lawyer to become a full-time blogger. No matter how far you’ve gone down one path in your life, it’s never too late to find a new one! #doitscaredpodcast #followyourpassions #ruthsoukup #tashaagruso #liveyourbestlife

The thing is, Tasha thought she had her life figured out. In second grade, she decided she was going to become an attorney. Her mom struggled financially after divorce and her dad, and attorney didn’t.  

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Eventually, Tasha graduated from law school and made partner at her law firm. For many people, making partner would’ve been enough, but there was always a voice in her head telling her she wasn’t doing what she was meant to in life.

That’s when she made a scary decision…

She walked away from her lucrative career in law and dove head first into her hobby.

Tasha is now the founder of the wildly popular website Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body and the creator of the fantastic Designer in a Binder. She also happens to be living proof that EBA® really can help make your dreams a reality.

In Episode 14 of the Do It Scared™ podcast, Tasha talks about daring to walk away from a powerful career and what following her dreams has taught her. Maybe it’ll inspire you to make the leap too.

Get the synopsis below or listen to the whole podcast on iTunes or on Google Play. (Or just search for “Do It Scared” on your favorite iPod app!)  Never miss a new episode by subscribing on iTunes. You can also find the full show notes at

Here are my 5 favorite takeaways from her interview:


Embrace Change                           

Tasha will be the first to tell you that law wasn’t fulfilling her. “I had always had this feeling, like this inner voice that told me I was not doing really what I was meant to do with my life.” So she made a change. She chose happiness, left law, and never looked back.

We’ve all made decisions based on emotions, and for Tasha, she let fear guide her for long enough. She wanted to set an example for her children that “it  isn’t okay to choose unhappiness when there are other options out there.” Happiness is a choice, and it is your choice to make. If you are stuck doing something that you don’t love, then it’s time to embrace change and choose happiness.

You Don’t Have to Blaze Trails            

There is nothing wrong with taking comfort in looking at how others have achieved success, and believing that you can do it too. Click to Tweet “If you can find somebody, who has blazed that trail before you and find out what they did or find a mentor or somebody to guide you through it […]you can cut that learning curve and take the fear out of it a lot, too.” Seek people that are doing something that you admire, and ask them questions. Try and learn what they did on their path to success. It will help you envision your own way to a life you would love.

Be Your Own Cheerleader                

You don’t have to have it all figured out. Sometimes you just need to start. We all have self-doubt that tries to stop us from doing something… but there comes a time where your inner cheerleader and inner confidence needs to drown out your self-doubt so that you can make a change. Tasha experienced a lot of conflict about pursuing her passion, but her optimism was louder, telling her that “you can do this other thing, and you can do it well, and you can really rock it out and be happier.”

Not Everyone Is Nice                           

Not every lesson we learn is easy, and for Tasha, experiencing negativity in blogging was one of the hardest things for her. Despite the negativity, if anything, it really underscored who she wants to be. “I’m still happy to be a cheerleader […] (even though) not everyone is going to be cheering me on.”

Through Elite Blog Academy®, Tasha was able to silence the loneliness she felt in her new career path and come together with a group of really positive, like-minded individuals, who have kept her accountable and gave her confidence enough to launch her latest product, Designer in a Binder.

There Will Never Be A Perfect Time                           

Circumstances will never be perfect; sometimes you just have to do it. That is something Tasha has carried through to every aspect of her life. From starting a family to changing careers to launching her own products. As a perfectionist, it was hard for her to come to grips that there’s never going to be a 100% perfect time, so you just have to make the leap and do it!

These are just some of the highlights from this episode, but there is SO much more to hear! You can listen to the entire episode on iTunes HERE or on Google Play HERE. Visit for show notes from this episode, and never miss a new episode by subscribing on iTunes.


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