
13 Ways to Build the Best Editorial Calendar with Trello

13 Ways to Build the Best Editorial Calendar with Trello

Feeling the strains of blogging overwhelm? As bloggers, our minds are running a million miles a minute. From new post ideas, technical to-dos, posts in progress, there is always something that needs to be done! One way to keep organized is by creating an editorial calendar. Don’t miss this helpful post on how to use Trello for creating your editorial calendar for free!

How to understand and USE Google Analytics reporting

How to understand and USE Google Analytics reporting

Google Analytics…just saying those two words strikes fear in the hearts of many bloggers. After all, numbers can seem scary, especially if you’re more of a creative type. Even so, it is important to understand your numbers, from site visitors, to pageviews, to link clicks. Your analytics paint a picture of your website and shows you where you can improve and what you’re already rocking. While Google Analytics is capable of generating a huge variety of reports, its main function is to help you to understand two basic—and essential—things about your site. Here are the reports we check most frequently!