
Squarespace Made Simple: How to Start a Squarespace Site in 5 Easy Steps
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Squarespace Made Simple: How to Start a Squarespace Site in 5 Easy Steps

Do you have a great idea for an online business that you’re ready to make a reality? First things first—you need a website! But, you don’t know the first thing about setting up a website and you don’t have money to hire a developer…so what do you do? Squarespace might just be the solution you…

The Biggest Blogging Mistake You Might Be Making
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The Biggest Blogging Mistake You Might Be Making

Ever wonder how the most profitable blogs became so successful? Believe it or not, it’s because they think about their blogging business as SO much more than a just blog. If you are ready to take your business to the next level, you’ll need to change your mindset. Here’s why expanding your business starts with the way you think about yourself–and how to make the shift. It’s a must read for every blogger!