Is EBA Right for You? Your Top Questions about Elite Blog Academy, Answered!
Is EBA right for you? If you’re curious about whether it is right for your unique situation, for what you actually want to write about, or for your particular business idea., here are your top questions about Elite Blog Academy, answered!
The doors for Elite Blog Academy® will open again soon.
It only happens once a year, so when it does, it’s a pretty big deal. That said, it’s also a big decision. And it’s not just the monetary investment, it’s the decision to actually invest in yourself and your dreams. To take yourself seriously, and take that first massive step towards starting an online business.

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The truth is, an Instagram reel won’t change your business, at least not all on its own. But if you’re using the power of Instagram to drive leads into your business, using the right hook is vital for your success. Grab the exact hooks that have gone viral for my @ruthsoukup Instagram account again and again (and got me over 30 MILLION views and tens of thousands of new followers).
And the best part? It’s completely free! Just fill in your information below so I know where to send it.
So it’s no surprise that we get a LOT questions about EBA® and what to expect and whether it is right for your unique situation, for what you actually want to write about, or for your particular business idea.
Here are some of our most frequently asked questions to help you decide if EBA is right for you.
Is EBA® Right for You? Your top questions about Elite Blog Academy®, answered!
“What if I’m a complete beginner?”
Perhaps you don’t yet have a blog, or you’ve just started one, but you want to establish a platform so that you can write a book or launch a business. Elite Blog Academy will ensure you are starting off on the right foot and with a firm foundation!
Here are some helpful resources from EBA to get you started:
- How to Start a Blog in 5 Easy Steps
- The EBA Entrepreneurial Assessment
- The EBA Business Idea Validator
- How to Brand and Design a Blog You Love
- Beating the Comparison Game
Check out Trish Townsend’s story. Trish was a complete beginner when she joined Elite Blog Academy, but EBA helped her to find her voice and hone in her passion to help others.
About launching her blog, Hope Dwellers, with the help of Elite Blog Academy, she says:
“Buying the course gave me the momentum and the impetus to start my blog. It helped me to be able to get into the mind of my reader and really understand who she is and what she needs. The whole process of learning methods for developing my writing and my content really helped me to hone that message so I wouldn’t be rambling in every direction. EBA has given me the opportunity to set into place a way of helping others. It’s worth the investment to be able to take that step to pursue your dream.”
Join our EBA Waiting list today and get our Blog Structure Blueprint for free!
“What if I’ve been blogging for a while, but I can’t seem to get any traction?”
If you have been blogging for a while but don’t feel like you’ve quite figured out the formula for success just yet, then Elite Blog Academy will show you, step by step, exactly what you need to do to step up your game. We’ll show you how to stop spinning your wheels and do the right things, in the right order, for optimal success.
Some helpful resources:
- 7 Surefire Ways to Boost your Blog Income Overnight
- How to Balance Blogging with Being a Mom
- How to Make Every Hour Count
- How to Protect Your Confidence as a Blogger
- When to Monetize Your Blog
If this is where you are currently, be sure to check out Jennifer Roskamp’s story. Jennifer Roskamp started her blog, The Intentional Mom, in 2015 because, as a busy homeschooling mom of 9, she wanted a creative outlet, and she also liked the idea of possibly being able to earn a little extra money on the side to supplement her family’s income.
Jennifer had no idea that less than a year later, she would become the primary breadwinner after her husband unexpectedly left his job to go back to school full time.
At first she was scared, but then she realized that Elite Blog Academy gave her all the tools she needed to support her family—she just had to put them into action. She continued growing her audience, developed a loyal following, and began creating the books and products that she knew her audience was looking for.
Of her experience with EBA, Jennifer says:
“I started EBA within a few months of beginning to blog because I wanted to start off on the right foot. I had no idea that only a few months later, I would need to use my blog to support my family. But I wasn’t scared because I had a plan to follow — step-by-step — instead of aimlessly wandering, and it gave me the confidence I needed to keep moving forward.
I learned how to grow my audience, build a brand, market myself, create products, start earning money, and fulfill my business goals, and I was able to revisit the steps any time I needed to.
Every day I ask myself what I can do to build my business, and then I just throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. When I figure that out, I alter it slightly and then do it again. I honestly think this would have been too scary for me to try had I not had the overall plan and steps that EBA provides.
If you are wanting to start a blog and are looking to earn any kind of income from it, the money you invest in this course will more than pay for the course many times over. It’s just a matter of taking the leap!”
Join the EBA Waiting List today and get our 7 Genius Time Hacks for Bloggers for Free!
“But…I’m already legit and am earning an income online. Why would I need EBA?”
Maybe you’re past the intermediate stage, yet somehow you feel like you’re still missing some opportunities for traffic and revenue growth. Let’s face it: earning ad revenue on Mediavine is great and all, but unless you have TMZ-level traffic, it’s probably not going to pay the bills. And, while creating sponsored posts for other companies can be pretty fun and sometimes even lucrative, there are better ways to be profitable, on your terms.
Elite Blog Academy can help you take your business to the next level and transform your mindset from that of a blogger to that of an entrepreneur.
Elite Blog Academy can help you take your business to the next level and transform your mindset from that of a blogger to that of an entrepreneur.Here are some helpful resources for you:
- 10 Products that Actually Sell
- How to Overcome Your Fear of Selling
- How to Create Successful Sales Pages that Convert
- 10 Steps to Take when a Blog Post Goes Viral
- How to Create Your First Online Course
Jasmine Watts founded her blog, Miss Millennia Magazine, in 2011 for women transitioning from college to adulthood, a topic that spoke directly to her own experience, and to where her friends were at in life. She began building an audience and generating a little revenue, even as she still worked full-time at her day job.
But after several years of working on this side-hustle, Jasmine realized that she had plateaued. Her traffic and revenue weren’t growing, and she knew she was missing something. She just didn’t know how to get to where she wanted to be.
Jasmine enrolled in Elite Blog Academy in 2017, and immediately she realized that what she needed most of all was a clear, straightforward plan to follow.
She says:
“Elite Blog Academy has pushed me into a place of knowing where to go. I now feel like I have so many blog mentors, and I know who to go to when I have questions about something specific, and I know where I am headed. It’s been not only inspiring to see what is possible, but super practical to understand exactly what to do to get there.”
One year after starting Elite Blog Academy, Jasmine earned back her initial investment many, many times over. Her traffic continues to grow exponentially, to now more than 150,000 page views per month, and her income has increased dramatically as well.
But the thing she is most excited about is being able to truly connect with her audience in a more authentic and meaningful way than ever before. EBA has taught her how to understand her audience, and how to create content that resonates.
When we asked her thoughts on what kind of blogger would most benefit from EBA, Jasmine said,
“Honestly, I think there is something in EBA for everyone. I was blogging for 6 years before I started EBA, and I went through every single module and got something from all of them, even the ones where I thought I knew a lot about that specific topic. It is a great guide for anyone who wants to go from being just a blogger to having a blogging business. Elite Blog Academy has pushed me into a place of knowing where to go.”
“Is EBA really worth the price, especially if I’m not making any money yet?”
Starting a business means being willing to invest in yourself, and we can honestly say that when it comes to starting an online business, there are few investments you can make that will be more valuable for your long term success than EBA.
In fact, if you research online what our students have to say about EBA, the one thing you will find them saying over and over again is this: “EBA was the best money I ever spent on my business.”
This is because the framework we teach gets results, results that have been proven and refined since 2014, with more than 11,000 students so far.
Moreover, the fact that EBA is a serious investment actually makes it even more powerful, because you will be forced to take it seriously. Make no mistake—completing Elite Blog Academy is a lot of work, but when you are invested and committed, you will see incredible results.
The course comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you complete all 36 course assignments and do not see measurable growth, we’ll refund your money. We truly want nothing more than to see you succeed!
Join the EBA Waiting List today and get our Secret Blueprint for Blogging Success for Free!
Here are some other helpful resources:
- What is the Upside-Down Business Model, and Why Does it Matter?
- 4 Reasons Why Your Blog is Failing
- The EBA Small Business Roadmap
“Ugh…I’m already so busy! How much time does it take to go through the course?”
We totally understand feeling like you don’t have any extra time to commit to taking this course—or anything else for that matter. But the reality is that if you want to see the results you desire, you will have to commit to making it happen. It has to be a priority for you.
Luckily, it doesn’t have to be as much time as you think! Many of our most successful graduates squeezed in their EBA course work while they were working other jobs—sometimes even more than one! The course is intended to be self-paced, and you can access the course material 24 hours a day, which means you can make it work for your schedule. We recommend setting aside at least 5 hours a week to work on your course materials, but you can do more or less depending on your own schedule. In the end, what you put in is what you’ll get out.
Join the EBA Waiting List today and get our 7 Genius TIme Hacks for Bloggers for Free!
Other helpful Resources:
- Bad Blogging Habits You Need to Break
- Top Tools for Busy Bloggers
- How to Make Your Time Work for You
- The EBA Goal Setting Workbook for Bloggers
“But…what if I don’t have what it takes to make it work?”
Maybe you’re just not sure you have what it takes to be a successful, profitable online business owner. Maybe you’re sick of the pressure to keep up and stay current, to continually create new content, or to stay on top of the never-ending list of things that need to be done.
Or maybe you are being brought down by those negative thoughts and doubts that begin creeping in, the whisper in the back of your mind that says, “I’ll never be as successful as so and so,” or “why would anyone want to listen to me?”
Believe us, we get it. We know what it is like to feel like you’re spinning your wheels, getting up early, staying up late, spending hours and hours trying to get to all that needs to be done and never quite feeling like you are getting anywhere. We know what it is like to doubt yourself, and to question whether you are on the right track or whether you started too late or to feel like everyone else is doing better than you are. We know exactly what it is like to want so badly to succeed, but to feel like the deck is stacked against you.
We know exactly what it’s like, but we also know how to overcome those feelings in order to create a successful, profitable blog, and that’s exactly what Elite Blog Academy is all about. And so we say Do It Scared®! Sometimes you won’t know until you jump, but we promise I’ll be there to cheer you on and give you lots of advice and encouragement along the way.
Helpful Posts:
- How To Break Free From The Comparison Trap that is Keeping You Stuck
- Why Perfection is Overrated
- 4 Simple Steps You Can Take Right Now to safeguard Your Confidence
Success in this program requires that you take consistent, focused action.
Take it slow.
Don’t try to rush through each unit as quickly as possible, or to watch all 12 unit videos in one sitting. There is no cliff notes version of this course, and there is no secret formula that you are missing. If you want it to work, you have to DO THE WORK.
The Elite Blog Academy units are meant to be digested slowly, one at a time, over a period of time. At the bare minimum, you should give yourself a week to complete each unit, but truthfully some units may take longer to get through and to get the most benefit from.
Don’t underestimate the huge amount of information you are going to be receiving. I have broken it down into bite size pieces to make it manageable and to give you a plan of attack, but that doesn’t mean you should skim or rush. You will need time to soak it all in and to make it work for you.
Don’t skip ahead.
Resist the urge to skip over the “boring” fundamentals because you are eager to get to the “good stuff.” We promise you, it is ALL good stuff, and the fundamentals are just as important—if not more important—than everything you will learn later on. These course units are intended to be followed in order, because each new unit builds on the previous ones.
Complete ALL your course assignments.
The thirty-six assignments in this course were not chosen at random, or invented just to add bulk. Each one has a purpose, and, like the course units themselves, each one is intended to build upon the previous one. That means if you skip one, you will be hindering your progress, and you will probably just need to go back and do it anyway.
The bottom line is that you can’t expect Elite Blog Academy to magically work for you. You need to do the work. If you’re looking for an easy way to make money, or to just copy and paste someone else’s ideas, or follow some cookie cutter program to blogging success, this is not the program for you.
Remember that this course is here to make your business better.
Sometimes change can be hard, or even a little painful. And don’t forget that what you get out of this course will depend on what you put into it. No one can do it for you! But you have to decide for yourself, if EBA is right for you.
And so, to help answer any additional burning questions you may have, we actually developed a very helpful tool. It’s called the EBA Business Validator, and you can use it to determine whether your blog or online business idea is actually viable and worth pursuing further.
Pretty cool right? Go ahead and test out our free quiz here!
Other Helpful Resources:
- Elite Blog Academy: Frequently Asked Questions
- More EBA Success Stories
- EBA Resources
- Learn More about Elite Blog Academy
- Join the Waiting List
Do you have any other questions that we didn’t answer? Let us know in the comments section below!