Refine Your Message

The first phase of creating a successful, profitable blog is to refine your message–not just what you say, but how you want your readers to feel when they come to your site. EBA will show you exactly how to hone and craft and perfect your message until it  is a part of you, so that your audience can tell at a glance what you are all about, and what they have to gain by being there.

Check out our refine blog posts below, or go BACK to recent posts.

The Winning Formula for Your Online Business This Year

The Winning Formula for Your Online Business This Year

The online world moves fast and staying ahead of the curve is key. There are two BIG things you should have in your online business right now if you don’t already: Recurring Revenue and Organic Short-Form Video. If you’re thinking these sound like two completely different things, they’re more related than you’d think. Let’s break…

13 Ways to Build the Best Editorial Calendar with Trello

13 Ways to Build the Best Editorial Calendar with Trello

Feeling the strains of blogging overwhelm? As bloggers, our minds are running a million miles a minute. From new post ideas, technical to-dos, posts in progress, there is always something that needs to be done! One way to keep organized is by creating an editorial calendar. Don’t miss this helpful post on how to use Trello for creating your editorial calendar for free!

How To Share Yourself Without Sharing Too Much

How To Share Yourself Without Sharing Too Much

Have you ever stumbled upon someone’s website, hoping that it would finally provide solutions to your problems? But instead, you find yourself scrolling through a detailed personal story. There is such a fine line between presenting the authentic you and going so far that you lose readers. So how do you navigate between sharing yourself without oversharing?